Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

You have an athletic body and ideal?It is practiced monthly and even yearly ideal body shape? It's time you show the results of your diet and exercise in the arena of Body Contest.Preparation of pre-competition proper will determine the best results on the day of competition. Most importantly, you do not have to be perfect, believe am left and prepare your body best.
Competition Body Contest is a showcase that engage your body shape and appearance, covering the assessment of muscle mass, muscle mass balance, style and performance on stage.
Below are guidelines on procedures to follow body contest, starting from the preparation to form the body, the final days before the competition and how to improve performance on stage.
The formation of muscle is one of the most vital aspect in preparation for the match body contest. What are the muscles that need to be trained? Consider the points below:
1. Chest / Muscle chest: chest muscle is one muscle that makes your muscles look sturdy and are most easily seen to determine your overall muscle mass. Train your chest muscles with dumbbell presses, PEC dec, cable crossover and dumbbell fly.
2. Abs / abdominal muscles: abdominal muscles is the most important muscle in the assessment of body contest, muscular six pack that will sharply increase your score significantly. Train your abs with the ab crunch, hip thrust, hanging leg raise and others.
3. Shoulder / shoulder muscles: Muscles shoulders make you look more robust and make your posture better, big chest muscle that will look ugly if you are a small shoulder muscles, therefore train your shoulder muscles with bent over lateral raise, Arnold presses, dumbbell front raise and seated overhead dumbbell press.
4. Back / Back Muscles: Muscles of the back is a muscle that you should train, in addition to making your body looks sturdy, the back muscles is one aspect of the largest judgments in the body contest. Train back muscles with the pull ups, bent over barbell rows, and seated cable row.
5. Arms / Hand Muscles: Muscles strong hand is needed to balance with your body is muscular, but it also required the hand muscles as the main instrument for doing posing. Train the muscles of your hand with the concentration curl, hammer curl, dumbbell kickbacks and one-arm overhead extension.
Diet or eating arrangements ahead of the competition is the most important part of preparation for competition body contest. The main purpose of diet ahead of the competition is to reduce the amount of fat as much as possible and at the same time maintaining optimal muscle mass. The correct and proper supplementation can reduce the amount of muscle lost.
When are you starting a diet? This depends on your body composition and time of competition you want to participate. Measure your body fat percentage, many began practicing 8-12 weeks before the day of competition, but there is also a feeling of diet 8 weeks is enough.
If you feel you do not progress fast enough in the process of removal of fat, then increase the cardio workout, if possible, do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. This forces your body to burn stored calories. This exercise alone will have a significant result. However, the diet still has an important role in sharpening the process of muscle mass, do not rely too much sharpening process of muscle mass on cardio exercise alone.
In the last week, charging carbohydrate, fat filling, filling sodium and draining process is an important trick to learn. All of this is intended to increase muscle density and vascularity maximum, this is called "peaking" is a condition in which your muscles reach its largest size and vascularity.In peak condition only lasts a very short time. It is important to reach peak condition at the time you compete. Miscalculations and missed peak condition at the time of competition or too quickly gain peak condition before the match is a fatal error.
One example of diet 1 week before the match is final:
* 6 meals, all meals contain protein from various sources, complex carbohydrates until 2 pm, protein meals start at 2 pm, try to eat every 2-3 hours
* 1 -2 gallons of water without sodium
* Supplementation of protein with 5 grams of glutamine four times daily
Same as Monday
* A diet the same as Monday, only a reduced amount of carbohydrates, absolutely not allowed to consume flour, rice, sugar and so forth, a good source of carbohydrates are vegetables
* Consumption of 2-3 gallons of water without sodium
* Supplementation of protein, food / supplement which contains a high potassium (to remove water) and glutamine
* A diet the same as Wednesday, but the amount of sodium should be reduced drastically, read your food labels, nearly all contain sodium. Look for foods low in sodium, one example is the boiled chicken breast and do not use seasonings that contain salt
* Consumption of 2 gallons of water without sodium
* Supplementation of protein, food / supplement which contains a high potassium (to remove water) and glutamine
* A diet the same as on Thursday with extra attention to sodium, try your level of sodium intake is very low.
* ½ gallons of water consumption in the morning until 6 in the evening, just drink a spoon of water if needed starting at 6 pm
* Supplementation of protein, food / supplement which contains a high potassium (to remove water) and glutamine
* Eat meals in small portions only, without sodium. Many participants who ate the honey and peanut butter in the back of the stage for instant energy and a more solid muscle
* Drinking a spoon of water if needed, never took a sip of water. Now your body will lose water in large amounts, muscle definition and vascularity your muscles will be very high. Do not alter this condition to try something new.
Supplementation is needed for the preparation of the competition, a couple of types of supplements to be reckoned with in preparation for the competition are:
The need protein to build muscle far exceeds the public, you routinely have to practice and manage your diet so that the balance of nutrients needed for recovery and growth should be maintained. Protein helps you to get enough protein to build muscle protein requirement is 1.5 - 2gram per kilogram of body weight. Good protein are proteins that contain a high purity level, contain carbohydrates and sugar in a number of very low or does not contain at all, for example, is Prostar Whey Protein.
Among the various kinds of protein quality, the best type of protein is protein isolate, protein isolate has a BV (Biological Value) is highest among the various kinds of proteins. The higher the BV value of the pure protein and the body can absorb almost 100%. Types of protein isolates from Ultimate is IsoSensation 93 and IsoCool.
Protein powder or whey protein is a vital requirement for the contestants who want to compete. Inadequate daily protein needs you, this will be the basis of your victory.
Fat burner
Burning fat is a material from nature that works to increase metabolism by increasing body temperature (thermogenesis).
Ripped Ultra Fast Acting Formula is the best thermogenesis supplements Ultimate Nutrition that works to burn fat quickly and get rid of excess fat in the body by speeding up your metabolism. Special thermogenic formula of Ultra Ripped Fast Acting Formula perfecting the process of fat burning during exercise, increase energy, stamina and suppress appetite. Ripped Ultra Fast Acting Formula with this new formula is currently the most complete product and can be used before exercise to acquire additional energy and maximize fat burning during exercise.
Preparation of the contest was quite difficult and setting eating habits that you do will require a strong discipline. Effective fat-burning is recommended to help your struggle to gain muscle mass you want.
Glutamine is an essential amino acid which is very important, about 60% of amino acids in muscle is glutamine, after you train hard, Glutamine levels in the body decreases to 50%, mensuplementasi your body with Glutamine can help your body reduce the amount of muscle shrink (catabolic) that occurs because other tissues that need glutamine will not take from your muscle tissue. when preparing for competition, glutamine can prevent your muscles from catabolic processes. Glutapure is a 100% pure Glutamine amino acids best quality of Ultimate Nutrition.
Assessment in the body contest not only look solely to the muscles that are owned by the participant. When the assessments are:
1. Muscle Mass
Body contest is very different from bodybuilding events, in the body contest bulky body type like a bodybuilder instead will reduce the assessment, as well as muscle mass that is too thin even though dry also gave a poor rating.Desired are those that have proportionately less muscle mass bulk and thin.
2. Muscle definition and symmetry
Muscle definition shows clearly how your muscles with low levels of fat you are. While the symmetry is the balance between the development of muscle mass is one body with another body muscle mass.
3. Fashion / Style
Fashion in the body contest is also a factor rating of no less importance, include: how to dress (creative / not), the accessories that match and deserved, the use of posing oil (baby oil) to taste.
4. Performance
Performance is how do you demonstrate / present your muscles on stage before the jury. Is a vital point in the event body contest. You can just have the best physical on stage, but if you can not show, then your score will go down in the eyes of the jury. Presentation stage includes a smile, flexibility and attitude of participants while on stage, controls a vast stage, and the latter should not be such a way posing bodybuilding pose for this contest is not a bodybuilding contest.
Pose compulsory and free poses can vary between each contest, learn what it takes pose. It would be very embarrassing if you can not perform the desired pose jury, generally pose a contest is required in the body:
* Relax Pose = Standing relaxed by locking your abdominal muscles, this position is the position of Standing Relax waiting for the next instruction.
Competition Body Contest is a showcase that engage your body shape and appearance, covering the assessment of muscle mass, muscle mass balance, style and performance on stage.
Below are guidelines on procedures to follow body contest, starting from the preparation to form the body, the final days before the competition and how to improve performance on stage.
The formation of muscle is one of the most vital aspect in preparation for the match body contest. What are the muscles that need to be trained? Consider the points below:
1. Chest / Muscle chest: chest muscle is one muscle that makes your muscles look sturdy and are most easily seen to determine your overall muscle mass. Train your chest muscles with dumbbell presses, PEC dec, cable crossover and dumbbell fly.
2. Abs / abdominal muscles: abdominal muscles is the most important muscle in the assessment of body contest, muscular six pack that will sharply increase your score significantly. Train your abs with the ab crunch, hip thrust, hanging leg raise and others.
3. Shoulder / shoulder muscles: Muscles shoulders make you look more robust and make your posture better, big chest muscle that will look ugly if you are a small shoulder muscles, therefore train your shoulder muscles with bent over lateral raise, Arnold presses, dumbbell front raise and seated overhead dumbbell press.
4. Back / Back Muscles: Muscles of the back is a muscle that you should train, in addition to making your body looks sturdy, the back muscles is one aspect of the largest judgments in the body contest. Train back muscles with the pull ups, bent over barbell rows, and seated cable row.
5. Arms / Hand Muscles: Muscles strong hand is needed to balance with your body is muscular, but it also required the hand muscles as the main instrument for doing posing. Train the muscles of your hand with the concentration curl, hammer curl, dumbbell kickbacks and one-arm overhead extension.
Diet or eating arrangements ahead of the competition is the most important part of preparation for competition body contest. The main purpose of diet ahead of the competition is to reduce the amount of fat as much as possible and at the same time maintaining optimal muscle mass. The correct and proper supplementation can reduce the amount of muscle lost.
When are you starting a diet? This depends on your body composition and time of competition you want to participate. Measure your body fat percentage, many began practicing 8-12 weeks before the day of competition, but there is also a feeling of diet 8 weeks is enough.
If you feel you do not progress fast enough in the process of removal of fat, then increase the cardio workout, if possible, do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. This forces your body to burn stored calories. This exercise alone will have a significant result. However, the diet still has an important role in sharpening the process of muscle mass, do not rely too much sharpening process of muscle mass on cardio exercise alone.
In the last week, charging carbohydrate, fat filling, filling sodium and draining process is an important trick to learn. All of this is intended to increase muscle density and vascularity maximum, this is called "peaking" is a condition in which your muscles reach its largest size and vascularity.In peak condition only lasts a very short time. It is important to reach peak condition at the time you compete. Miscalculations and missed peak condition at the time of competition or too quickly gain peak condition before the match is a fatal error.
One example of diet 1 week before the match is final:
* 6 meals, all meals contain protein from various sources, complex carbohydrates until 2 pm, protein meals start at 2 pm, try to eat every 2-3 hours
* 1 -2 gallons of water without sodium
* Supplementation of protein with 5 grams of glutamine four times daily
Same as Monday
* A diet the same as Monday, only a reduced amount of carbohydrates, absolutely not allowed to consume flour, rice, sugar and so forth, a good source of carbohydrates are vegetables
* Consumption of 2-3 gallons of water without sodium
* Supplementation of protein, food / supplement which contains a high potassium (to remove water) and glutamine
* A diet the same as Wednesday, but the amount of sodium should be reduced drastically, read your food labels, nearly all contain sodium. Look for foods low in sodium, one example is the boiled chicken breast and do not use seasonings that contain salt
* Consumption of 2 gallons of water without sodium
* Supplementation of protein, food / supplement which contains a high potassium (to remove water) and glutamine
* A diet the same as on Thursday with extra attention to sodium, try your level of sodium intake is very low.
* ½ gallons of water consumption in the morning until 6 in the evening, just drink a spoon of water if needed starting at 6 pm
* Supplementation of protein, food / supplement which contains a high potassium (to remove water) and glutamine
* Eat meals in small portions only, without sodium. Many participants who ate the honey and peanut butter in the back of the stage for instant energy and a more solid muscle
* Drinking a spoon of water if needed, never took a sip of water. Now your body will lose water in large amounts, muscle definition and vascularity your muscles will be very high. Do not alter this condition to try something new.
Supplementation is needed for the preparation of the competition, a couple of types of supplements to be reckoned with in preparation for the competition are:
The need protein to build muscle far exceeds the public, you routinely have to practice and manage your diet so that the balance of nutrients needed for recovery and growth should be maintained. Protein helps you to get enough protein to build muscle protein requirement is 1.5 - 2gram per kilogram of body weight. Good protein are proteins that contain a high purity level, contain carbohydrates and sugar in a number of very low or does not contain at all, for example, is Prostar Whey Protein.
Among the various kinds of protein quality, the best type of protein is protein isolate, protein isolate has a BV (Biological Value) is highest among the various kinds of proteins. The higher the BV value of the pure protein and the body can absorb almost 100%. Types of protein isolates from Ultimate is IsoSensation 93 and IsoCool.
Protein powder or whey protein is a vital requirement for the contestants who want to compete. Inadequate daily protein needs you, this will be the basis of your victory.
Fat burner
Burning fat is a material from nature that works to increase metabolism by increasing body temperature (thermogenesis).
Ripped Ultra Fast Acting Formula is the best thermogenesis supplements Ultimate Nutrition that works to burn fat quickly and get rid of excess fat in the body by speeding up your metabolism. Special thermogenic formula of Ultra Ripped Fast Acting Formula perfecting the process of fat burning during exercise, increase energy, stamina and suppress appetite. Ripped Ultra Fast Acting Formula with this new formula is currently the most complete product and can be used before exercise to acquire additional energy and maximize fat burning during exercise.
Preparation of the contest was quite difficult and setting eating habits that you do will require a strong discipline. Effective fat-burning is recommended to help your struggle to gain muscle mass you want.
Glutamine is an essential amino acid which is very important, about 60% of amino acids in muscle is glutamine, after you train hard, Glutamine levels in the body decreases to 50%, mensuplementasi your body with Glutamine can help your body reduce the amount of muscle shrink (catabolic) that occurs because other tissues that need glutamine will not take from your muscle tissue. when preparing for competition, glutamine can prevent your muscles from catabolic processes. Glutapure is a 100% pure Glutamine amino acids best quality of Ultimate Nutrition.
Assessment in the body contest not only look solely to the muscles that are owned by the participant. When the assessments are:
1. Muscle Mass
Body contest is very different from bodybuilding events, in the body contest bulky body type like a bodybuilder instead will reduce the assessment, as well as muscle mass that is too thin even though dry also gave a poor rating.Desired are those that have proportionately less muscle mass bulk and thin.
2. Muscle definition and symmetry
Muscle definition shows clearly how your muscles with low levels of fat you are. While the symmetry is the balance between the development of muscle mass is one body with another body muscle mass.
3. Fashion / Style
Fashion in the body contest is also a factor rating of no less importance, include: how to dress (creative / not), the accessories that match and deserved, the use of posing oil (baby oil) to taste.
4. Performance
Performance is how do you demonstrate / present your muscles on stage before the jury. Is a vital point in the event body contest. You can just have the best physical on stage, but if you can not show, then your score will go down in the eyes of the jury. Presentation stage includes a smile, flexibility and attitude of participants while on stage, controls a vast stage, and the latter should not be such a way posing bodybuilding pose for this contest is not a bodybuilding contest.
Pose compulsory and free poses can vary between each contest, learn what it takes pose. It would be very embarrassing if you can not perform the desired pose jury, generally pose a contest is required in the body:
* Relax Pose = Standing relaxed by locking your abdominal muscles, this position is the position of Standing Relax waiting for the next instruction.
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* Front Body Pose Pose = This shows the muscles of the front like a muscle chest, bicep and your stomach.
Front Body Pose * Side Body Pose Pose = This shows the muscles of the side like the side chest muscles, triceps and abdominal side (oblique).
* Back Body Pose Pose = This shows the back muscles such as muscle back top and bottom.
* Abdominal Pose pose = this indicates either of the front abdominal muscles (abdominal center), from the side (oblique) or your serratus muscles.
Posing Guide
1. The best way is to go to competitions as a spectator, to find out the grooves of the competition and the time required for each pose.
2. Guidelines pose via video is the best way to learn and practice various poses at home. A good video covers how to perform compulsory poses and pose freely, and what not to do.
3. Intensive practice. Doing poses that require strength and endurance is very high. It is very difficult to stretch the muscle or at the time of blood flow to the muscle pump
4. Supplementation with potassium. Potassium helps to prevent muscle cramps. would be very embarrassing when you have cramps when doing poses on stage. Tips for the individual free posing (for the Final round Body Contest) You will be asked to perform an individual posing free with the music when the final round. You will be given 60-90 seconds to show what you consider your strengths, performance at this time is very crucial.
1. In the finals of this competition, consisting of individual poses and the poses required. At the individual poses, performance on the stage into the main, therefore, do the movement that shows your strengths and your character or characteristic.
2. Add variety. Do not repeat the same pose continuing despite the pose highlight parts of the body that you like. The jury will not like the pose that has no variation. Do poses that show body side, rear, front and belly.
3. Practice to make the transition between poses. Add style and elegant taste. Do it poses. Stop and immediately do another pose can be boring and uninteresting for the jury. You do not have to be a dancer, but some variation may help the transition between the poses you do.
4. Smile if it matches the music and your style, but if not, serious expressions can also be used.
5. Confidence. Know what you want and what you do. if you are not confident with yourself, you will not be able to demonstrate the strength and will affect your appearance. Posing Oil In the body of the contest will not be judged face, height, race, and even skin color, therefore not allowed to use leather dye, simply use the oil posing as baby oil to clarify the muscle curve. In addition, vascularity vaskulizer help your muscles. Dream Tan Vazkulizer Dream Tan is a spray Vazkulizer to increase muscle vascularity, Vazkulizer used before the heating process and works by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the muscles so that your muscles will look more developed and pump when the game lasts. Vazkulizer odorless, works fast and durable. LAST PREPARATION The last thing you do not want to do after months of practicing and getting ready to compete is to come to the competition without preparation. Below are some things that you remember:
1. Register on time and check whether your name is already on the list of participants
2. Bring more money to guard against any possible expenditure
3. Reserve jeans
4. Supplementation of potassium to avoid cramps while posing
5. Bring your posing oil / baby oil to sharpen the definition of your muscles
6. Water without sodium (water distillation), taking a bite when needed
7. Snacks, pure honey, grapes, apples, peanut butter and bread wheat are common snack
8. Towels, needed to remove excess oil from your body PREPARATION OF THE DAY COMPETITION Preparation Stage behind
* Visualize the event, posing, position and area of the stage lighting.
* Use the posing oil (baby oil)
* Always note the time
* Protect your body from cold air, use the cloak if needed
* Heating / pumping, 2 sets with 20 reps for pumping to the muscles following:
a. Chest: Push Up, Bench Dip
b. Deltoid: Military Press, Side Lateral Raise, Front Lateral Raise
c. Back: Pull Up
d. Bicep: Bicep Curl, Pull Towel
e. Tricep: Tricep Extension
f. Abdominal: Crunch Do not engage in excessive heating of TRICEP and abdominal muscles because of excess stress in the two muscles are the blood vessels to widen and oxygen would accumulate in there it looks more muscular pumping or even over-pumping causes the sharpness of the two muscles are reduced when the show on stage Last-Seconds Seconds
* Check the flatness of baby oil on your whole body, wipe the sweat if any sweat
* Do not forget to relax your face, entered the stage when the serial number dialed by a confident and do not forget to show your smile. Good luck!
1. The best way is to go to competitions as a spectator, to find out the grooves of the competition and the time required for each pose.
2. Guidelines pose via video is the best way to learn and practice various poses at home. A good video covers how to perform compulsory poses and pose freely, and what not to do.
3. Intensive practice. Doing poses that require strength and endurance is very high. It is very difficult to stretch the muscle or at the time of blood flow to the muscle pump
4. Supplementation with potassium. Potassium helps to prevent muscle cramps. would be very embarrassing when you have cramps when doing poses on stage. Tips for the individual free posing (for the Final round Body Contest) You will be asked to perform an individual posing free with the music when the final round. You will be given 60-90 seconds to show what you consider your strengths, performance at this time is very crucial.
1. In the finals of this competition, consisting of individual poses and the poses required. At the individual poses, performance on the stage into the main, therefore, do the movement that shows your strengths and your character or characteristic.
2. Add variety. Do not repeat the same pose continuing despite the pose highlight parts of the body that you like. The jury will not like the pose that has no variation. Do poses that show body side, rear, front and belly.
3. Practice to make the transition between poses. Add style and elegant taste. Do it poses. Stop and immediately do another pose can be boring and uninteresting for the jury. You do not have to be a dancer, but some variation may help the transition between the poses you do.
4. Smile if it matches the music and your style, but if not, serious expressions can also be used.
5. Confidence. Know what you want and what you do. if you are not confident with yourself, you will not be able to demonstrate the strength and will affect your appearance. Posing Oil In the body of the contest will not be judged face, height, race, and even skin color, therefore not allowed to use leather dye, simply use the oil posing as baby oil to clarify the muscle curve. In addition, vascularity vaskulizer help your muscles. Dream Tan Vazkulizer Dream Tan is a spray Vazkulizer to increase muscle vascularity, Vazkulizer used before the heating process and works by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the muscles so that your muscles will look more developed and pump when the game lasts. Vazkulizer odorless, works fast and durable. LAST PREPARATION The last thing you do not want to do after months of practicing and getting ready to compete is to come to the competition without preparation. Below are some things that you remember:
1. Register on time and check whether your name is already on the list of participants
2. Bring more money to guard against any possible expenditure
3. Reserve jeans
4. Supplementation of potassium to avoid cramps while posing
5. Bring your posing oil / baby oil to sharpen the definition of your muscles
6. Water without sodium (water distillation), taking a bite when needed
7. Snacks, pure honey, grapes, apples, peanut butter and bread wheat are common snack
8. Towels, needed to remove excess oil from your body PREPARATION OF THE DAY COMPETITION Preparation Stage behind
* Visualize the event, posing, position and area of the stage lighting.
* Use the posing oil (baby oil)
* Always note the time
* Protect your body from cold air, use the cloak if needed
* Heating / pumping, 2 sets with 20 reps for pumping to the muscles following:
a. Chest: Push Up, Bench Dip
b. Deltoid: Military Press, Side Lateral Raise, Front Lateral Raise
c. Back: Pull Up
d. Bicep: Bicep Curl, Pull Towel
e. Tricep: Tricep Extension
f. Abdominal: Crunch Do not engage in excessive heating of TRICEP and abdominal muscles because of excess stress in the two muscles are the blood vessels to widen and oxygen would accumulate in there it looks more muscular pumping or even over-pumping causes the sharpness of the two muscles are reduced when the show on stage Last-Seconds Seconds
* Check the flatness of baby oil on your whole body, wipe the sweat if any sweat
* Do not forget to relax your face, entered the stage when the serial number dialed by a confident and do not forget to show your smile. Good luck!
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